Sunday, April 22, 2007

Ultra-Conservative or Realist

I wish the world would realize that armed conflict is a terrible waste of precious resources both in material wealth and human life which embodies unknown potential for creativity and betterment of our planet. I resign myself to know every organism operates in its own self interest. Herein lies the dilemma between Liberal thought and Conservative thought, not the common destination of world peace and prosperity, but the path that will have us arrive. Is it possible to begin a dialogue as to whether we actually possess the same long term goal? If so, then is it a matter of how to get there? I have never sought to classify myself as liberal or conservative as that seems to be a polarizing exercises that creates division and stops progress. Is it possible that our conversation become more goal oriented? Or should we choose the path first to see where it leads? Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

As long as you fabricate justification for the Iraq folly by repeating dishonest mantras about 911, the issue is more than goal orientation. There is a moral component to American conduct which you don't seem to recognize. We are creating a world that will never know peace. You talk about what you think will happen to the mideast and our credibility if we bail out of Iraq but you never tell us what will happen to the mideast and our reputation in the global scheme if we continue this gigantic fuck-up. I understand self-interest as well as the next guy but I also spend some thought and concern on the issues of right and wrong. That, Spanky, is where we should differ from the creatures of the forest and field.

I am ex-military and strongly in favor of perserving not only our might but our moral stature. You ultra-rightwingers like to talk all this Darwinian justification (but don't want us to teach it in our schools). Perhaps "fitness" is about being strong and smart and decent.

Spanky said...

Don't say "you". I don't necessarily believe it either. I do believe that Iraq and Iran are strategic points in the world that either are allied with the West or to our chagrin and eventual demise, Russia as an adventural military juggernaut.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant "they".

Anonymous said...

I'm a conservative in that I believe everyone should pull the wagon instead of so many believing the government owes the a living. I'm also a realist in that I firmly believe that if we pulled all our troops out of where they are now and appeased the Arabs AGAIN, they will still not be satisfied without our being dead or converted.