Saturday, April 14, 2007

And The Definition Of Insanity Is?

John Breaux, Don Imus and assundry local vocals have one thing in common, they lack the ability to assess right and wrong as well as act accordingly. The test for us as citizens is whether we have the ability to see through the fog created when all of the hot air meets cold hard facts. Or maybe there is no right and wrong - only what one can get away with. Do you view the world through the prism of your self interest also - or is there an absolute right and wrong?


blogger said...

IMHO there is black, white, right and wrong. Many are right or left, most of us are grey, and of course there is a hearty group of "Uh I don't know what to think."
That's why I am so interested in the web, it is the last frontier of opinion and information.

Spanky said...

I firmly believe the web will give voice to those that are not used to being heard and that it will be a unifying force for our country. It takes time to express one's self and explore personal beliefs and desires - a lifetime as a matter of fact. The more we share, the more we will find common ground and be less likely to be manipulated by special interest groups that do an idealogical sales job on the masses that do not question the pablum that they are fed daily. Once individuals realize that they are affected and have power in their voice, it will be very hard to silence them. The real work begins as more citizens don the yoke of freedom and realize that it is not free and the country is best moved when we pull together. I also believe that while much of the racial-centric commentary as of late may make many uncomfortable, folks may soon witness their differences dissolve when we all realize that their is much more to gain by working together.

blogger said...

Spanky, check out an article I posted on cenlamedia from the Los Angeles Times. I do think cyber-bullies are on the rise and could challenge the validity of this "brave new world." Then again we all know I'm a bit too sensitive.

Anonymous said...

Spanky, being a conservative myself, I'm afraid that the number of people in the country who have grown up believing that the government owes them a living is or shortly will outnumber the ones who have a good work ethic. We cannot continue to pay the freight for those who make poor choices in school, failing to get a decent education and hanging out on the streets doing nothing save for waiting on a check from the ones pulling the wagon.